
Products and services

  • Health Technology Assessment Reports
    and reimbursement application support
  • Scientific publications
  • Training courses in EBM and HTA
  • Other analysis from the field of medicine
    and health care system

HTA Reports
and reimbursement application support

We specialize in the preparation of HTA analyses that are an integral part of reimbursement procedures for determining the official selling price for a drug, foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses or medical product, or applications for changing the official selling price that are filed with the Minister of Health (according to the art. No. 24 of the 2012 Reimbursement Act)

A full HTA report comprises:



Decision Problem Analysis – an overview of the basic information on the medical problem, clinical practice and the intervention to be evaluated in the HTA report



Clinical Effectiveness Analysis – based on a systematic literature review, this is an assessment of the intervention’s efficacy/effectiveness and safety in a specific population compared to the appropriate comparators (REA, relative efficacy/effectiveness assessment)

Forest plot meta-analysis
Network meta-analysis


EA -

Economic Analysis – a comparison of both the effectiveness and costs of the evaluated technology with, usually, a reimbursed standard of treatment, from the public payer’s and patient’s perspective, within an appropriate time horizon. EA results are compared with the cost-effectiveness threshold value currently in place

A Markov decision tree
A scatter plot of the incremental cost-utility analysis results



Budget Impact Analysis – comprehensively assesses consequences of financing a new health technology from public funds, including ethical, social and legal aspects, as well as its utilization within the health care system

Public payer’s incremental costs in a budget impact analysis
Tornado diagram of sensitivity analysis


RA -

Rationalization Analysis – tries to figure out possible solutions to decrease current public payer expenditure on drugs reimbursement, to generate savings that may be used to finance a new health technology

Public payer cost balance – alternative budget solutions
We can help you with all documents required for the complete reimbursement application

We can offer consultations on drug programme drafts dedicated to new expensive products. With regards to the existing clinical evidence and recommendations, we analyse inclusion/exclusion criteria, posology
and treatment monitoring

Our support can also be extended to include:
  • correspondence with the Minister of Health and the HTA Agency during the reimbursement process (e.g. responding to Agency’s assessment of HTA dossier compliance with the minimum requirements, responding to the content of the Agency’s verification analysis)
  • development of price negotiation tools, including new price scenarios, market access strategy variants, risk sharing schemes, complex financial offers, supplementary financial and budget impact models, etc.
  • additional materials for internal and external communication

HTA-related analyses and services

  • Feasibility studies and rapid reviews aimed at fast clinical assessment
  • HTA report auditing
  • Strategic consulting with support for market access, reimbursement strategy and reimbursement process (e.g. supplementary analyses of additional reimbursement scenarios, with risk-sharing agreement implementation)
  • Questionnaire studies aimed at medical registry data extraction or KOL opinions analysis, supplementing missing data
  • Analysis of real world data and evidence in the healthcare sector, supporting HTA dossier or for the purpose of publication
  • Medical/scientific data extraction and processing for other purposes


We have rich experience in the manuscript preparation and submission process for publication (in Polish and English):


  • full text publication in prestigious local and international journals
  • conference abstracts and posters

We can work with prepared data as well as with our own accumulated data and results

Technical training

  • We have vast experience in providing training in Evidence Based Medicine and pharmaco-economic modelling
  • We provide training tailored to fit clients’ needs